Book an open day: Post-16 courses

Illustration of Folly Lane Campus
Illustration of Folly Lane Campus

Find out first-hand why HCA was scored as Outstanding in all categories by Ofsted.

A place to grow, reinvent, reimagine

Taking your next steps as a creative student is about choosing where you want to learn - but it's also thinking how you want to learn.

At HCA you will join a vibrant community that you can truly make your own. Our students thrive because they have the space and the confidence to pursue the things that interest them as individuals - and that starts with Open Events.

We want you to feel comfortable on campus from Day One, and to experience a taste of what being a part of that community is like. 

Ask any questions you want. Tour different parts of the college. Chat to staff about your career options. It's about finding the right fit for you. 

Students looking at work

Open Day for prospective college level students at our Folly Lane Campus.

Join us at our Open Day for prospective college level students at our Folly Lane Campus.

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What you can do

1. Course Q+A and studio tour

Small-group talks with the course leader leader, followed by a tour of some of the specialist facilities and tools you can use on the course. Great time to meet your curriculum lead and dig deeper on the subjects covered in each broad course area.

2. Welcome talk

We kick off with a quick talk from our leadership team, welcoming you to the college and explaining the values behind why we do, what we do. 

3. Campus tour

Get a small group tour of our incredible campus from a mix of staff and students. Visit the industry-standard workshops and specialist arts library, and get a feel for the site's more social spaces.

4. Application advice

Not sure how to apply, what grades you need or what level you should apply to? Get some one-on-one advice in the atrium following the course talks.

5. Dinner and a show

Not quite. But get here early for some live music performed by current students, and some complementary non-alcoholic drinks.

Image from college showcase private view, two women looking at student's final pieces.
Folly Lane theatre converted using a white box staging unit
A view of the Folly Arts Theatre lit for a performance viewed from the technical area with sound engineering kit in the foreground of the shot.

Getting here

Hereford has great rail connections, with direct lines to Worcester, Malvern, Shrewsbury and Newport.

If you are travelling by bus or train, both stations are located just a 10-minute walk from our degree campus on Folly Lane Road (HR1 1LT).

As you arrive, you will likely notice the accommodation block with huge art installations on it's exterior - that's Station Approach, and is home to HCA's degree students.

Our College Road campus has plenty of on-site parking if you are travelling by car. 

When planning directions, just make sure you select Hereford College of Arts, Folly Lane (HR1 1LT) as we have two campuses in the city.

There are also a number of accessible parking spots. Feel free to contact if you have any questions around accessibility.

If you live locally and plan to travelling by foot or by bike, you can find us on Folly Lane , Hereford - tap here for directions or see the map below.

There is covered bike parking on-site, and nearby parking bays for the city's bike-share scheme Beryl Bikes. You can download the app here.

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Folly Lane Campus, HCA

Open Event FAQs

Through the year we run Open Evenings during the week, and occasional Open Days on Saturdays. Always check the timings when booking on to the individual events however our Open Evenings run from XX to XX, and our Saturday Open Days start at XXam and finish around XX.

Our Open Events are pretty popular. Booking ahead will ensure you can get a place as some events may fill up.

You can book your space via Eventbrite here. ADD LINK

Once you book we can also send you any additional information ahead of the event via email. 

Our doors are always open, and if you have a friend who wants to join - or you forgot to book - our team will do everything they can to fir you in.

Absolutely. There's a lot to take in, so having someone to talk it through with can help. 

Feel free to bring as many guests as you want.

Our course areas are designed to be broad enough for you to try different disciplines and explore your individual interests - but we also understand that you might be considering different areas at this point in your journey.

CHECK We run all the course talks once per Open Event, so when booking select the course you are most interested in first - however if you are interested in a second subject area, course leads will be available after that first session to talk to you and answer any questions you might have. 

There is plenty of parking on-site. The main car park is located behind our Folly Lane building. You can access it by turning off Folly Lane and onto the Whittern Way, and then taking the first left.

We pride ourselves as being an accessible campus that is welcoming to everyone. You can email with any specific questions, or to make any necessary adjustments.

There will also be the opportunity to find out more about HCA's support for students while studying.

Absolutely. While most of our applications are processed online, you are more than welcome to fill out a paper form on the day and get started. The sooner you apply, the sooner we can start booking you in for interviews or auditions.

There will hot and cold drinks available in Atrium before, after and during the event if you're thirsty, or just need five minutes.

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