We understand that deciding what course to do, or what career path to follow, can seem a bit daunting. Our Careers programme and Information, Advice and Guidance services are accredited by Matrix Standard and our team is always on hand to provide information, advice and guidance to students.
The College employs a professionally qualified Careers Adviser, who offers Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) to any student who requests it throughout their course of study with us. The CEIAG Policy and Careers programme is designed to meet the needs of students and to propel the College to achieving all of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Contact Careers Advisor Gail Kilminster: g.kilminster@hca.ac.uk
A frequently asked questions style resource for apprenticeships has been launched, full of answers to the most commonly asked questions by teachers, students and parents.
Here are some other useful career websites sharing jobs and opportunities and resources:
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