MA Contemporary Crafts

  • Duration

    15 months

  • Cost


  • Course leader

    Delyth Done MBE

Sculpture of spoons
MA Contemporary Crafts

Challenge your own practice with support and insight from a dedicated staff team at one of the UK's historic arts schools. Discover the right questions you need to unlock your next stage as a practicing artist or arts professional.


This dynamic Masters programme offers Makers, from a wide range of disciplines, an exciting opportunity to advance their individual creative practice. 

You will be guided through the academic research process to support and develop your practice. Our students can find the process initially daunting but ultimately liberating. This is a course that supports you to find your voice.

Graduates, makers or craft practitioners who are looking to develop and extend their creative practice would hugely benefit from this course. 

It is project-led and studio-based and is supported through tutorials, seminars and access to a wide range of craft workshops. We have developed an exciting blueprint for the course which brings together craft practice, theory and professional practice.

Abstract ceramic sculpture
Abstract fabric sculpture
MA Contemporary Crafts abstract sculpture
cat mask made of natural fibres, created by Ciara Hinchley
An abstract brass and steel wall scultpure
A fabric piece depicting a small baby

Teaching staff

Course outline

This Postgraduate Certificate is the diagnostic stage of the programme.

Your initial purpose or suggested area of inquiry is developed through contextualising research and experimental visual assignments. You can choose to broaden and deepen your knowledge in the subject of first degree, or investigate an associated area.

You will amass new study skills in research methodology, and use critical and creative practice to achieve Postgraduate Certificate objectives.

The Post Graduate Diploma is the applied research and development stage of the programme. 

You’ll be expected to develop advanced skills of enquiry in your specialist discipline, or obtain new interdisciplinary skills in the furtherance of a generalist approach.  You’ll also consider the entrepreneurial, business and professional skills that underpin your specialist field of practice.

Consolidating at the end of the Postgraduate Diploma, you will have positioned your individual study area ready for evaluation for the final stage of MA.

The MA is the advancement of individual practice.  This is the consolidation and outcome of the programme.

Your proposal from the Postgraduate Diploma is progressed and substantiated by critical analysis and contextualising evaluation. You’ll be expected to use advanced knowledge and skills and demonstrate your understanding by conducting a complex enquiry in both theory and practice.

You will be required to use sophisticated critical judgement and visual discrimination to achieve MA objectives.

Course information

The course will immerse you in exciting conversations about thinking and making. You will have the opportunity to build both your academic- and practice-based skills and see how they inspire and inform each other. Challenged to consider the context of your practice in terms of contemporary crafts you will be given the critical tools to extend your vision. 

The programme will encourage you to expand boundaries, think conceptually, and extend your own visual, technical and creative vocabulary. Your practice will be informed by rigorous research, experimentation and exploration, all designed to foster innovation in your thinking and your practice.

Modules are project-led and studio-based, supported by close supervision, group tutorials, lectures, seminars, and access to a wide range of workshops and facilities. There is an emphasis on the development of both professional and entrepreneurial skills that aim to ensure the viability, relevance and sustainability of your practice long after the course has finished.

  • Applicants should have an personal understanding of their particular discipline and be able to demonstrate their ability to sustain research at MA level.


  • Applicants should be (or about to become) graduates. Preference will be given to good honours graduates although exceptional applicants from a non-academic background will also be considered.


  • Professional makers, designers, photographers, craftspeople and fine artists who wish to reposition their practice may also qualify.


  • Applicants should submit a short proposal of up to 500 words, detailing why they are applying to the programme of study, supported by a portfolio of current practice, which will form the basis of discussion within the interview.

The course fosters post graduates in their realisation of their individual creative ambitions and goals. 

The programme provides a platform for the building of skills and confidence to nurture and drive independence, creative engagement and critical awareness, essential elements of contemporary designer-maker and artist-maker identities.

Many post-graduate students on completion of the course establish themselves as independent practitioners or creative professionals with portfolio careers. The broad range of transferable skills developed over the course allows graduate Master practitioners wide opportunities in the creative arts sector through consultancy, community arts, teaching and residencies whilst others want to further extend their research and practice by studying for a PhD.

How you will work

Theory + practice

Reflect on and analyse the central concerns, concepts and focus of your practice and develop a research proposal that will be the platform for your MA study.

Research and reimagine

Engage with research methodologies to underpin and inform your MA practice.

Explore and extend your ideas, media and processes.

Education on a personal scale

Individual and small group tutorials and dedicated supervision and support.

Work in dedicated individual studio spaces, within a dynamic studio culture.

Outstanding interdisciplinary facilities

Access a wide range of craft workshops including textiles, printmaking, small metals, jewellery, ceramics and the forge, supported by professional photography studios, media and digital suites, and a dedicated art and design library with more than 30,000 specialist books and magazines.

Build your professional practice

Develop both professional and entrepreneurial skills for both creative and commercially sound practice.

The course gave me a versatile, stimulating and stretching experience that has created a much sharper focus in my design practice.

Ruth Maddox - MA Contemporary Crafts

Apply now

You can apply for this course at any point in the year. To do so, simply download the form via the button below, complete it and email it to If you would like to set up an informal chat with the course leader Del Done MBE, you can contact her directly at

Download application form


You may be eligible for a Postgraduate Masters Loan.

Postgraduate Loans are available from Student Finance England as a contribution towards course and living costs. If you are studying over two academic years, the loan will be paid equally across 2 years (MA Contemporary Crafts). Each year’s amount will be paid in three instalments 33%, 33% and 34% directly to you.

Students must be aged under 60 years old at the start of the academic year to be eligible.

You should be able to apply for a Postgraduate Loan from the end of June 2022. For more information about Postgraduate Master Loans, please visit

You can find more information on course fees and funding via the link below.

Open Evenings are a great opportunity to visit the campus, meet the teaching staff and get to know other students joining the course.

Postgraduate Open Events are informal in nature. They feature a campus tour from the course leader, followed by time in the studio space. 

We publish a list of dates for the upcoming year in October.

We encourage applications from students from diverse range of qualifications and life experience. 

We will take into consideration the knowledge and skills that you have developed inside and outside the classroom, as well as your previous qualifications. 

All applicants will interview with the course leader. The interview is an opportunity to demonstrate your passion and potential, and your reason for applying as well assessing whether this programme is appropriate to your interests and aspirations.

If you have any questions, you can arrange an informal chat with our admissions team by contacting

After applying, the admissions team will contact you to arrange an interview date.

They will also include guidance on what to include in a portfolio - which you will bring to discuss at the interview.

Portfolios are an opportunity to showcase what interests you, and what you would want to explore further on this course - and a jumping off point for discussion at interview.

There is an internal progression bursary that reduces tuition fees to £6,600 for HCA graduates.

To qualify, you need to have completed an undergraduate course at HCA within the last two academic years. 

If you want to check if you are eligible, you can email our Registry team at

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