For Marcus Coates caring is fundamentally about relating. His attempts to relate to others’ experiences, including those that are deemed too different, explore the power of empathy and creativity and this often leads to a re-imagining of the cultural tools at his disposal. From his attempts to become animal to his vicarious experiences on behalf of individuals, he aims to discover new degrees of understanding and knowing, testing traditional definitions and boundaries.
The form and purpose of his work continues to develop in consideration to society’s needs which he responds to by working with individuals, communities, institutions, organisations and the general public. In this way he sees the role of art practice as a necessary and pragmatic service to counter the limitations of cultural tools. Coates has collaborated with people from a wide range of disciplines including anthropologists, ornithologists, wildlife sound recordists, choreographers, politicians, gallerists, curators, psychiatrists, palliative care consultants, musicians and primatologists amongst others.
Warning: this talk will include a film that shows images and explores issues that include self-harm, suicide, delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.