Spooky House

  • Date

    29th October - 31st October 2024

  • Time

    10:30 - 14:00

  • Location

    Black & White House Museum

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Illustration of the Black & White museum in Hereford

BA(Hons) Performing Arts and BA(Hons) Popular Music students create an original, family friendly promenade performance in celebration of spooky season.

  • Events
  • Performance
  • In the city

Show Times

  • 10.30AM
  • 11.00AM
  • 11.30AM
  • 1.00PM
  • 1.30PM
  • 2.00PM


Set in the 17th century timber-frame museum in the heart of Hereford, this location is the perfect historic setting for our family friendly spooky spectacular. 


Black and White House Museum

High Town



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