How to apply

Two students laughing. Both are sat at a table in a white studio space.

Found a course that you'll love? Here's how you get started.


Your application process will depend on whether you are applying for a Post-16 course, a Foundation or Portfolio course, an undergraduate degree or a Masters.

You’ll find information on these pages to help you with your application - simply click the relevant area for more details. 

If you would like to discuss anything further, please contact our Registry Team on 01432 273 359 or 

General application tips

1. Be yourself

As a person, and as an artist, your individuality is a strength. The application process is a chance to showcase the things that interest and influence you as much as almost anything else. 

Your journey at HCA is going to be different to the person who sits next to you. There's no reason your application should look the same. Be confident in who you are.

2. Keep it simple

Dieter Rams said that "good design is as little design as possible". The same is true of applications. 

Try not to overthink it. Whether you're writing a personal statement or having an interview with a course lead, don't feel like you have to say everything on a subject - pick out the things you feel are most important to the application and give them your focus.

3. Get a second pair of eyes

Whether it's a friend, a teacher, a family member, or someone you know has been through a similar process, having someone else read over your application will give you a new perspective on your own words. 

It might not change anything, but it might throw up something you hadn't thought of.

4. We are not all writers

Our application process is designed for you to showcase the best of yourself. There will be some writing involved, but there will be plenty of opportunity to communicate who you are in other ways - through auditions if you are performer, or through your portfolio if you are a visual artist or designer. 


5. Look forward

It's about where you're going as much as where you're coming from. You might have a portfolio that is bursting at the seams - and that's great - but you also might not have done much work at all in your subject area, and that okay as well. 

We are all about passion and potential. Talk about the things you want to do on the course, and the things other people are doing that you like. Get in touch with and they can link you up with course teams directly if you have any questions about pulling together a portfolio, or how to prepare for audition.


This depends on what level you are applying to, and there may be some flexibility around late applications (you can always reach out to Registry and check).

  • Post-16 and Foundation: applications open in October. You can find out more about applying to our post-16 courses here, and our foundation diploma courses here
  • Undergraduate Degrees: to start a course in September 2025, you can register on UCAS from May 2024, and send in completed applications from 3 September 2024. If you are already a student with us, studying your diploma at our post-16 campus, you can apply directly to us. Find out more here. Find out more here
  • Masters degrees: You can apply to one of our masters courses at any point in the academic cycle. More information on how to apply here


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