Blacksmithing Students Contribute to Historic Lord Mayor's Show

  • Published

    31st August 2024

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The Lord Mayor's Show

Blacksmithing students from the BA (Hons) Artist Blacksmithing programme played a significant role in the creation of a float for this year's historic Lord Mayor's Show. 

The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths - an organisation that has been supporting and regulating the craft since 1299 - called for volunteers, and the enthusiasm from HCA students was overwhelming. 

Starting the build in Warwickshire during their summer holidays the students worked alongside professional blacksmiths from across the UK before completing the float under the guidance of lecturer Adam Greenwell LWCB, at the National School of Blacksmithing.

HCA Blacksmithing student at the Lord Mayor's Show

The 2025 Lord Mayor's Show held special significance as it marks the first time a Lord Mayor - Alastair King DL - comes from the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths since its inception in 1299. 

More than 90 Liverymen, Freemen, working blacksmiths, and military affiliates of the company joined in the historic occasion alongside the students who helped forge the float. 

HCA’s Artist Blacksmithing degree course leader Del Done MBE said: "It was an honour for students to have the opportunity not just to forge such an ambitious piece of work but to attend this once-in-a-lifetime event. 

“Their dedication, creativity, and hard work have truly made this day special. I couldn’t be prouder of what they’ve achieved. 

“This experience not only highlights their exceptional skills but also their commitment to preserving and celebrating our rich heritage. It was a tremendous day for everyone involved."

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