Hereford Cathedral Archivist Elizabeth Semper O'Keefe, said: “Every year we are amazed by the creativity of the students who take the stories and traditions that we share with them about the cathedral and produce such a wide variety of pieces in response.
“It is always a delight to share our enthusiasms and have them reflected back in 3D form.”
Hereford Cathedral has become a fruitful source of inspiration for contemporary artists and makers, with Yinka Shonibare and Grayson Perry both making original work responding to the Mappa Mundi in recent years.
HCA student Luc Fellows linked the process of defacing sculptures that occurred during the Reformation to more contemporary the whitewashing of black narratives, creating a collection of hand-formed masks that are partial and scarred.
Other works include a beautiful crucible-inspired porcelain piece that reveals words when lit from within, and a multi-media sculpture that reimagines the word-of-mouth process by which artists learned about the animals they depicted in the Mappa Mundi.