Photography student selected to join Picture Me at Latitude festival

  • Published

    2nd September 2024

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Shots of three young female photographers taking photos on the main stage at Latitude Festival 2024 including an HCA student

Current BA(hons) Photography student Rosie Redwood has been selected to join the Picture Me apprenticeship at Latitude Festival this summer.

  • Alumni
  • Photography

Working with We Are Lavish and Ella Doyne, Rosie is one of three female photographers selected to work alongside professional mentors capturing documentary shots on-site at one of the UK's biggest festivals. 

Rosie will be mentored by Hay-on-Wye's Billie Charity, who's clients include Faber, National Theatre Wales and Hay Festival.

The apprenticeships support young photographers by giving them opportunities to hone their live event photography and build their portfolio with access to big name acts like London Grammar and Duran Duran, whilst getting on-site guidance from experienced event photographers.

For more on the Picture Me project, follow their instagram account here:

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