Photo of gabby at Hereford Cathedral - graduation 2024

Gabby Brace-Stevenson

  • Department

    School of Visual Communication

  • Job title

    Lecturer - Critical Studies

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Gabrielle is a Lecturer in Critical Studies with a background in illustration. She has presented papers at national and international conferences and symposiums, and has been published in The Journal of Illustration and a series of volumes called Book Practices and Textual Itineries.

Gabrielle is a Lecturer in Critical Studies. She studied a practice-based BA in Illustration at HCA, which is complimented by her subsequent, theory-based MA in Cultural and Critical Studies from Birkbeck, London.

Gabrielle has presented papers at national and international conferences and symposiums, designed and delivered bespoke tours for exhibitions at the House of Illustration in London and has been published in The Journal of Illustration and a series of volumes called Book Practices and Textual Itineries. The topics she has written about range from the use of texture in digital design to the formation and dissemination of identity through fictional characters.

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