Portrait of Kay Rambaud

Kay Rambaud

  • Department

    Art, Design & Communication

  • Job title

    Curriculum Leader

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After studying BA Fine Art and PGCE in Birmingham, Kay began working as an International Art, after which she completed a Master’s in Education in Bangkok. After graduating 20 years previously, Kay returned to HCA as Curriculum Leader of Art and Design.

Growing up in Hereford and studying BA Fine Art and PGCE in Birmingham, Kay has spent most of their working life abroad and in Gloucestershire as an International Art teacher. While working as the Head of Art in a school in Shanghai, Kay taught the IB and IGCSE curriculum and helped run a charity organising fund-raising events for the empowerment of women. Kay has taught Visual Art, Graphic Design and Yoga whilst completing a Master’s in Education in Bangkok.

All the time working on her own practice of painting, photography and, more recently, ceramics, Kay has exhibited in each country. Now, turning full-circle, Kay has come back to Hereford College of Arts, after graduating 20 years previously, as Curriculum Leader of Art and Design.

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